I Took the Shot and the Shot Won (Update)

Just my luck!

Three weeks ago, I was vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Today, I am still not myself.

Today, the vaccine has been put on “pause” because six women developed blood clots; one died and one is in serious condition.

I have headaches each day, fog-brain, upset tummy, severe lack of energy, and an overall feeling of not feeling well.

Should I blame the vaccine or should I blame a bad heart and getting older each day?

I don’t know but I will ask my doctor this week when I see him for a routine cardio visit.

In the meantime, I’m still wearing a mask when I go out (which is rare these days), plastic gloves, and I’m keeping my distance.

It’s surprising how many people are not wearing masks in stores even though stores have signs posted to wear masks.

I give up!


I Took the Shot and the Shot Won

A couple of days ago, I got a COVID vaccine shot. It was the Johnson & Johnson one shot and you’re done version.

Today, I’m sick as a dog.

How long will this last?

Some people have said 12 hours (we are long past 12 hours).

Others have said 24 hours (we are long past 24 hours).

I passed the 48 hour rule wondering if I made a huge mistake by getting the vaccine shot in the first place.

My history with shots has not been all that good. In fact, I’ve not had a flu shot in close to 30 years because the last time I had a flu shot I ended up at the ER with pneumonia.

My sibling says I’m “fragile.” I say this is just how God made me.

So, today I’m going to try and stay awake until a nap is needed. Maybe I’m over the hump; maybe not. Time will tell.


No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service

Many, many, far too many years ago during the hottest month of the year, I stopped by my local grocery store to pick up a few things on my way home from a long, long, far too long day at work.

The parking lot was full. You could smell the heat coming off of the pavement. People walking to and from their cars were not smiling.

It was a miserable day.

Once inside the store, the cool air was ever so refreshing. As I walked up and down the aisles, people appeared to be a bit happier. Some even smiled.

That’s when I saw him. A man. Holding a small shopping basket. He was not wearing a shirt.

A shirtless man was in the grocery store shopping without a shirt!

Holy cow!

Holy cow!

To be honest, I might not have said “Holy cow!” and maybe it was more like “What the fuck!”.

As I was ready to check out (in more ways than one), I asked the cashier if I could see the manager. She paged him. Our conversation went something like this …

Me: “There is a man in the store, and he’s not wearing a shirt.”

Manager: “I know. He just wanted to pick up a few things, and he said he was hot.”

Me: “Well, I’m hot, too, so maybe I should take off my blouse.”

Manager: “No! Don’t do that and I will ask him to leave.”

Once outside with my groceries, I saw “shirtless man” standing next to his car putting on his shirt.

I seem to recall the store manager was not around for very long … something about transferring to another store.

© Catherine Evermore. All rights reserved.